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Although a lot of you love our albums (us too!) we operate on the simple principle that you're running a business, and if you can't make money selling them you shouldn't buy them. But there's no doubt many photographers do struggle. Partly that's because they sell a la carte, and have persuaded themselves that their clients don't want albums. I don't buy it. A la carte is often shorthand for having a cheap headline price, and no levers you can pull to make a better sale. (I'm not saying a la carte's a bad idea, but it needs close thought). As for people not wanting albums, it was the same story To View More >>
Competition isn't the problem, obscurity is. For years now I've watched frustrated at how little most photographic associations do to promote the idea and importance of wedding photography. More often than not these organisations - run by hardworking volunteers who do great things to educate their members and promote standards - can do little to convince couples that they need a professional photographer. But I'm not going to be frustrated by this any more :) We're doing more to promote our customers I said two months ago that I believe in professional photography, and although we obviously aren't To View More >>
Fiona and Joey's Valentines day wedding was shot by Gino Demeer of Cactus Photography earlier this year at Woodlands Homestead in Gordonton, New Zealand. Gino designed this 14x10 Duo and added a 7-inch copy album to complete the set for the couple. He also had another set made to for his own client sample collection. Carry case and all. Here's a few shots of his Graphite Leather album... Click here to view a slideshow of Fiona and Joey's wedding album. To see more of Gino's work check out his blog here. Cheers, Nigel To View More >>
Ian spotted a post by New Zealand photographer Isaac de Reus of Perspectives Photography on DWF recently. It was in reply to a thread discussing whether giving your work away free for referrals was good business practice. Isaac shared this great example of how he's leveraged something he can do in return for good quality referrals. The type everyone wants. High-end. It also shows the value of keeping your finger on the wider wedding market's pulse. Thanks for sharing, Isaac - Nigel A month or so ago we approached a very high-end, exclusive venue that only recently started booking and advertising To View More >>
People have been asking about our Queensberry Press discounts and deals. When you order a press book you'll be offered three deals in Photojunction. Just choose the one that works best for you. The best deals are our "value packages", which offer 40% discount on additional products. The deals vary according to the format you've chosen. You can only choose one (all we can afford at this rate!) but whatever the format you can always get a copy here less 40%. If you want additional copies you can order them at 15% off. The only way to get the original album at a discount is as a studio sample, which To View More >>
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